Order 43 Medical Checks

26 Jun

Northwest Health completes Order 43 medical checks for all NSW coal mine workers. Order 43 forms part of the NSW Coal Mining Health & Safety Scheme, providing mandatory periodic (every 3 years) health assessments to ensure employees are safe in their workplace.


The Order 43 health assessment consists of 3 components:

 Order 43 Medical
  • Medical History Questionnaire
  • Vision Test
  • Spirometry Test
  • Respiratory Questionnaire
  • Urinalysis
  • Hearing Test
  • Auditory Canal Examination
  • Cardiovascular System Examination
  • Musculoskeletal System Examination
  • Abdomen Examination
  • Skin Examination

Chest X-Ray (ILO Standard)

A pre-employment chest x-ray is required for all workers on entry to the NSW mining industry.

Respirator Fit Test

Respiratory FIT testing forms part of the pre-placement and periodic health surveillance medical assessments.

Before your appointment

  • You are required to limit loud noise for 16hrs before your appointment to ensure accurate testing of your hearing. This means no exposure to loud noises including motorbikes.
  • Please no eating, drinking, smoking or vaping at least 1hr prior to your assessment.
  • No alcohol consumption within 8hrs prior to your assessment.
  • Patients must be clean shaven for the assessment so that we are able to accurately fit PPE. If not, we will be unable to proceed with the test.

Bring to your appointment

Please bring all PPE that is required for your roles' usual working conditions, including eye protection, masks and hearing protection.

Northwest Health has approved and appropriately qualified medical practitioners to perform Order 43 medical assessments. Call our clinic today to book your appointment.